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This Pride Month, we’re celebrating these voices.Īt the heart of this campaign is the desire to tell new stories from within the LGBTQIA+ community and to leverage our platform to uplift and shine a light on historically marginalized communities. On Spotify, we aim to use the power of our platform to provide a source for LGBTQIA+ storytelling, solidarity, and inspiration, and to increase awareness of the pressing issues-during Pride Month and year-round.

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Pride Month, which kicks off in select markets in June, is an annual opportunity to shine a light on those untold stories and increase knowledge of the issues LGBTQIA+ communities still face globally. However, this progress is not universal, and many queer stories still go untold around the world.

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Stories once considered taboo now play out in podcasts around the world, and LGBTQIA+ musicians continue to light up listeners’ playlists. Representation of LGBTQIA+ individuals in audio continues to increase and improve.

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